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Sun Kissed

I highly value a newcomer's insight after arriving to a new country. Upon my own experiences, I have found that I can be the most insightful, thoughtful, and perceptive when I first become exposed to a new world. Funny enough, I am still able to remember a few of the many differences I noticed between Italy and 'Merica.

1. Kissing

I am surprised at how natural kissing cheeks felt for me when I first arrived. Kissing cheeks is always appropriate when greeting or meeting a person for the first time. Family members welcome a good peck on the cheek before sitting down for a meal, or after a quick chat in the Tuscan streets. Be warned, kissing cheeks must always be done from left cheek to right- a lesson I learned after a few embarrassing moments of near lip action.

2. Dress Up

I would like to state on record now, that I never- and decided- NOT to bring yoga pants or hooded sweatshirts to Italy. Rightfully so, I might add. Once you touch down in Italy, people, its a whole new ball game. No Uggs, no flip-flops, and NO PAJAMAS in public. Ever. You dress up to go to the butcher, just the same as you would for church.

3. No Bagels, Just Coffee

Sadly, I did come to learn that Italian's do not do a traditional savory breakfast. However, that has not stopped me, ladies and gentlemen. Everyday, I cook myself up some eggs and oatmeal. Although I will say, my host family does think it is fairly strange. Breakfast in Italy consists of a quick espresso and maybe a Nutella smothered cookie.

4. Nutella Fella

Italians are OBSESSED with Nutella. I don't think Costco sells Nutella jars as big as they have here.

5. New Course, New Plate

Now this one, I'm still learning. But for those of you who love a little leftover pasta sauce mixed in with your end-of-meal salad, you've been exiled off the island already. My first night in Italy, I helped myself to some greens after finishing a delicious bowl of pasta. BIG MISTAKE. In Italy, one must never eat off the same plate they have used to eat a different course. New type of food, clean plate. Always. My entire host family's jaws dropped, when I said I never use more than one dish per meal. (Which I still do when I'm eating alone- Shhh).

6. Closed For Business

Everyday, shops and markets close down for a luxurious lunch break between 1:00-4:00 PM in the afternoon. Now, this has been very hard to adjust to, after living in "24 hour America" for the past 18 years. However, I have found that the idea of taking a break during the day has been enjoyable. Mainly because I don't feel so guilty about napping during this time, especially if the whole town is kicking their feet up too.

7. Tan Skin

Last but not least, Italians have the most beautiful skin I've ever seen. Young children to elderly woman display radiant sun kissed complexions, like none I've witnessed before. I can only describe it as being similar to what one might imagine a town of people would look like after bronze colored rain showered the streets.

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